Aura Reading
Aura Reading and Book Signing
Your aura is simply the electromagnetic field around your body that holds a ton of information. In this event holly will teach you more about how this subtle field works. The space will then be open for anyone in the audience to receive a live aura reading from Holly about what is going on in their immediate space on an energetic level. The aura is created by your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy and the “energy” is the colors that dominate around you. This is what is Holly sees and reads.
The reason for this event is to support you in BEING your soul’s essence while in the physical body and to help you begin to recognize your own spiritually inherited gifts. This event is for everyone whether you personally want to get a reading or just simply observe. Holly will also be available after the event for book signings.
Event Details
Date: TBA
Time: 6:30pm- 8:00pm
We will start promptly at 6:30 pm for the Live Aura Reading Event and Starting at 7:30 pm Holly will be available for book signings.
Tribe House
1064 N County Blvd Ste. 100
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
Cost: Free
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